Rotary District 7950 Social Media Guidelines

We realize that in today’s world, young people are often very active on social media and feel they need to be connected electronically. Recent studies have also shown that teenagers can benefit from responsible social media use.

We have, therefore, put together these social media guidelines for our inbound youth-exchange students to help you with being connected in a way hat hopefully helps to have a positive impact on your youth-exchange experience.

Disconnect from home:

As we have already mentioned to you, it is very important to disconnect from home for the first 6-8 weeks. This will help you adapt much more quickly to your new surroundings and make new friends here.

Think of it this way, if you spend all of your time on Skype, Face time, Facebook, and What’sApp interacting with your friends and family back home, you are not being present in your new home and cannot make new friends or establish a great relationship with your new host family.

Communicate in your host language:

Feel free to continue sharing your experiences on Social Media such as Instagram, Facebook or SnapChat. The more you train your brain to use your host language all the time, the better your language learning process will be this year, and you will be able to speak your host language like a native speaker in the spring.

Also we recommend switching all of your devices (phone, laptop, tablet) operating system language to default to host language so that you get used to seeing all of the commands, menus and apps in your host language.

Connect with new friends and your host family:

When you meet new people in school, during after-school activities, or through the friends of your host siblings, make sure you exchange contact information with them, including your cell phone number, email address and other social media contact information.

Do the same with your host family members. Connect with them on all social media platforms and ENGAGE. This will help you build new friendships faster and also find out about upcoming activities in your new circle of friends.

Connect with Rotary:

Make sure you use Social Media to also connect with Rotary District 7950 on Instagram and Facebook, as well as with your hosting Rotary Club and with the entire Youth Exchange Team of District 7950 and where appropriate - tag District 7950 and your Rotary Club in any posts of Rotary related events and activities.

  • District 7950: District7950/

  • Youth Exchange Team

    Jill Albright

    Steve Albright


Use Hashtags:

For your social media posts we recommend that you include the following hashtags in addition to whichever hashtags describe the image or content you are posting.

  • #rotary

  • #youthexchange

  • #rotaryyouthexchange

  • #rye7950

Link to your District Youth Exchange website:

If you want to tell people about where they can find more information about the Rotary Youth Exchange Program in our district, please refer them to this site.
